Rules for Rest and Respite

 One thing I neglected to put in the original APRPG write-up is rules for resting. In truth, dear reader, I completely forgot about even the concept of resting when creating the original writeup, which might allow some insight into my mental state. However, there are benchmarks in place that allow the forthcoming rules to be implemented with minimal fuss. Without further ado,

APRPG Rules for Rest and Respite

Whenever the player characters have a bit of downtime (anywhere from an hour to a few days) they heal Harm up to the most recent benchmark (either Unstable or full health, whichever is closest to the PC's current Harm level.) Stress works the same. Alternatively, the PC can choose to remove one physical and one mental Condition, at the cost of not healing any Harm or Stress. Keep in mind, the healing or removal of Conditions should make sense in-story. If your PC has a broken arm, it would take more than an hour to heal that Condition, so you would need to take further downtime, choose to remove another Condition, or choose to heal Harm and Stress.


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