The Nature of Death
Death happens to everyone. It is one of a very few things that are truly inevitable, and it unites very nearly everyone. The people of Descent, though, have a rather different view of death. Yes, it happens to everyone, but for sapient creatures it doesn't stick. Three days after a human or moleman dies, they rise from the dead. Not exactly as themselves, usually. Instead, they rise as a screaming incoherent corpse, who will stop at nothing to escape Descent and make a run for the surface. This is because deep down, the dead know they are not meant to be ambulatory, and seek to rectify this by getting as far away from Descent and the cavern in which is sits as possible. The dead do not need to eat, do not need to sleep, and do not die again. They can, however, be immobilized by removal of muscle tissue or destruction of tendons. There is an entire guild of doctors who serve as morticians and undertakers, restraining the dead in canvas and thick cables before burying them. The dead do not enjoy this, and understandably so.
There are certain fringe cases in which the returned dead retain their sanity, though. These are treated as the dregs of society, as low as criminals, molemen, or those who do not tip their waiters. The fortunate among them were not found by the Crows, and were able to return relatively peacefully. The unfortunate, well, many are still six feet under.
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